yeah, im bored and im mugging. but i think im blindly reading and writing. no mood to study la ): . wtfz can. i wanna go out so badly.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Happiness comes from within.
" every time she laughs she hopes he's watching/ not so taht he sees she's happy but that maybe, just maybe , he 'll fall for her smile just as hard as she fell for his .. "
'' sometimes , you just cant tell anybody how you really feel not because you dun know why not because you dun know your purpose not because you dun trust them but because you cant find the right words to make them understand. "
'' sometimes , you just cant tell anybody how you really feel not because you dun know why not because you dun know your purpose not because you dun trust them but because you cant find the right words to make them understand. "
Nobody ever really knows how much someone else is hurting.
randomly posting ! currently using w/o mother knowing. hehe! :B. really gonna chiong study liao. bleh. just realise the previous post was the 100th's post ! -claps-
today stayed in sch until around 4 plus at library studying okay? with ernie. but half the time i gave up doing work and fell asleep LOL.
i love it when you're in your '' goodmood '' .
hai , gonna mia , i think . v fed up nowadays okay -.- nvm . school's not any better. teachers come and go lyke wtfz ? cant just settle downnnnn?! mother crap so much -.- busybusybusy ! so yeah , should be back real soon! about 1 week or so? hmm . try to online whenever i can, ^^
fml okay.
fml okay.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Did you ever notice, when people tell you you've changed, it's only because you stopped acting the way they want you to act.
but i really think you've changed ! D:
today woke up , feeling unwell in the middle of the night , went to drink water , thought i was fine then i woke at 9+ took my temperature , 39.4 -_- . zzz . chua sai . super high fever . then ate panadol go back sleep mother ask me ownself go see doc . knn , i use my own fcking money to pay ley . wtf la . ZZZ . FIFTY DOLLARS . ARGHHH . okay , now muchmuch better but no voice ): wan to hear my airy voice phone me ! LOL . now chionging stupid rich fest . damn stress la . wtfz . still got science test tmr . dc liao laaaaaaaaaa . ): i should just make use of my standby mc for tmr and dun go school ^^ .
Friday, February 18, 2011
i see sarcasm in your eyes.
CHIONGING SCIENCE HOMEW NOW K . tmr still got extra science lessons , need go back sch >: . went to cut hair . hehe . same style , layered and trim fringe . SATISFIED . AUNTY I LOVE YOU , LOL . okay got some pics din upload etc , i lazy k :/ i think i accidentally deleted some .
today henry bday ! sarah they all plan haohao buy cake and prezzie for him . diao , bo include me . NEVERMINDS . i take it as i save money ^^ . lalala . okay ytdytd art rocked :D . plaster mask thingy , i think i forgot to post about it LOL .
okay update till here , bored dai . stupid chem ):
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
you are what i never knew i always wanted .
mother damn irritating . whole day assessments assessments , i dun even bother to do zomg arghh . common test in 1 week plus time's . this time they are not even gonna cancel cca ! !@$!$#$%$%$#%#@! . STRESSES . BINREN TIO CHICKENPOX . wish you recover fastfast ! HAHH . aiya now i realise i dun really care if someone hates me . hate me then hate la . i wun hate you back w/o any reason de . stupid no life people , who lykes to find fault in others when they themselves are obviously not perfect . nobody's perfect and nobody will be . so why dun they just shutthefkup ?
laopei is sick , laobu still keep kp la . wtf lo . tmr got choir again . totally dun feel lyke going . my voice cmi for dk hw many weeks le . keep on having <s>phylgme</s> phlygme OR WHATEVER , HOW SPELL LA ,K .
people spam my formspring k , if i online tmr i wanna see questionssssssssssssss . OHYA , AND DO TAG. GOT THE STUPID FAKE LINKS TAGGING . DAMN IRRITATING BUT LAZY TO GO CBOX DELETE.
i love school <3
i love random .
i love eating .
i love pictures .
i love facebook .
i love mrchew and mrchan - pe chers .
i love my schedule book .
i love colour pens .
i love most of the people around me .
byees .
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
everyone has motives & reasons behind their mask.
spicy miso ramen !
california maki (:
hai . i damn bored now k. zzz . i officially need to jianfei . so damn fat now. ARGH. i spent lyke 50$ in 2 days ? zomg ? -.- . okay . now chionging project work research thing . damn lazy k . i think i sitsitsit more tummy getting bigger. tummy fats . ARGH ): . SAD. NEVERMIND . TMR GOT PE . now pe quite vigorous . I LYKE . :D . now become so close to jiawen nugget ! hahahah . ohyaaaaaa , today valentine . just lyke any other normal day . din meet anyone . too sian z. but ate ajisen with cheryllaw . OUR VALENTINE LUNCH HAHAH . CHERYLLAW CHEERUPZ .
doubt i will be updating regularly due to class tests and common tests . MIA K .
Sunday, February 13, 2011
now i miss you . alot.
went chinhong house for rich fest proj . then went amk's k-pool to play.
so far have 2 valentines ahaha !
Saturday, February 12, 2011
i dun understand why i am trying so hard to please you.
really gonna have to focus on doing homework soon . a lot of things to be done . mother kp about taking my phone everywhere i go again -.- . my sms total amount already cut down so much . 3000+ last time i 6000+ . zz . fk her la . my phone in my room with me dun mean that i smsing right ? z .nvm .
idk why you suddenly wan to kp me okay. maybe you have been wanting to say all those for a long time already. i cant believe why you still attract me -.- . z . fuck this . why cant you see me lyke last time. why must you see my badpoints now . nvm . things will not turn out well even if we are lyke last year anyway. you're different. you changed . you might have disliked me since the start of this year. but at least you used to ask me for the timetable and homework . but now you dun even do that anymore . this sucks .
Friday, February 11, 2011
searching for something you can't find.
Boy: I broke up with her.
His Best Friend: What happened?
Boy: She’s just too much for me.
His Best Friend: What makes you say that? What did she do wrong?
Boy: Well, for one.. She only cared about her appearance. Always had to look good, always took forever to get dressed! So insecure..
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she wanted to keep your eyes locked on her? She wanted you to see that you have the prettiest girl under your sleeve and not think otherwise? I see..
Boy: Oh.. Well.. She’d often call me or text me asking where I am, who I’m with, telling me not to smoke, not to drink. She’s so clingy!
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she cares about your well being? Because she cares about you a lot? And her greatest fear is losing you. I see..
Boy: But.. Uhh.. Well, she’d always cry when I say something slightly mean. She can’t handle anything. She’s a crybaby!
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she has feelings? And because she just wanted to hear you say you love her? I see..
Boy: I.. Well! You know, she’d get jealous easily. I could barely talk to other girls! She’s so annoying! I had to hide it from her so she wouldn’t bitch about it.
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she just wanted you to commit to her? She thought you were faithful, but you lied so she could find out later and hurt even more? She just wanted the guy she loves the most to love only her. I see..
Boy: Well, she..
His Best Friend: You broke up with her because she’s good for you? She just wanted the best for you? She’s broken now because you were selfish. Are you proud?
Boy: I broke her heart.. Because I couldn’t see what was happening.. What happened to me?
His Best Friend: You lost the girl that loved you like no one else could.You see? You didn’t want her when all she ever wanted was you. THAT’S what happened.
from icecream's blog.
dedicated to you i guess.
ytd had some kind of debate of me and classmates . still gonna treat them lyke good frens. not gonna hate anymore.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
I'm not ignoring you, i'm just waiting for you to talk to me .
HAIHAI , FIRSTLY , TAG ME ON MY CBOX . AND ASK ME QUESTIONS ON FORMSPRING. okay . reader ( IF I HAVE ): ) YOU ALL BETTER DO IT . BORED DAI . planning to flunk my geog test today . sucks ttm . I HATE LIAW NOW . ): i thought he would be a nice cher ! >: . in the end , another one full of crap . fck schlife D: !
see this szb right ! HAHAH . today had lots of fun with her at new clementi mall there de burger kinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. laugh lyke mad woman LMAO . more pictures on , my album (:
i really lyke the tumblr below ! :D . &&
you still remember this was what i told you ? :/ .
@ happymonsters.tumblr (:
i can't believe im desperately looking for a valentine date . just simply someone to go out with me .
Sunday, February 6, 2011
I'm not a backup plan and definitely not a second choice.
there was reallyreally no us .
posting this pic for the second time (:
i let you go , and i am sure you will be much better than before .
have been using comp all day . arghhh . shyt class test-s
i've seen your status and your msn pm , i guess you lyke someone now O: . hope it will turn out good for you ! :D . i'll be happy for you ^^ .
okay , ytd i text godbro ask him to ask godmum whether i can move . godmum say she dw call , later she quarrel with my mum . shyt la . zzz . mother kp last night say what i before cny got test i never tel her . seriously , i need to tell her meh ? i tell her i will cfm pass with flying colours ? nbcb . damn fed up . aiya sua . fated to be liddat anyway .
Saturday, February 5, 2011
cny .

ridiculously big (Y)
hai cny rocked okay .
first day went visiting at da jiu house . ANGBAO ANGBAO ! $.$ ! okay la , this year not much money but still okay ^^ . kk , then on that day talked a lot of xiao korkor , LOL . lyke i suddenly began talking to so much . HE DRESS LYKE PAP . LMAO . ALL WHITE . HAHAH . da korkor still okay la :D . NS MAN (Y) . then early evening , ah yi came , and ahming biao ge , and ahkun biao ge. ahming biao ge got ANGMOH GIRLF . FROM DENMARK . V COOL K . SHE TALK TO MY AHMA . ROFLS. SHE GOT THE PATIENCE SIA . cuz my ahma will every few minutes ask the same qns . she ask me i what name and who's child for over 5 times . LOL .
then my xiao korkor say : this is her fate for wanting to marry into our family LOL . hahah . she chio ley . (Y) .
kk , then they mahjong mahjong , me and xiao korkor over there spam cny goodies and watch some lame tv shows . then chatchathchat , around 8 plus we say we wan go out . knn, i go amk hub there nia , parents worry so much , some more got both korkors to take care of me . laokui much . even my biaojie say , aiyo she go amk nia , worry so much . LMAO . ZZ .okay , then we went amk hub opp de k-pool there , HENG GOT OPEN . at first go still got quite a number empty tables , after a while jiu more people flock in le !
DA KORKOR POOL V ZAI K ): . me and xiao korkor one team , i think in two balls nia , then he in all the way . ONE CUE . KNN . WTFZ. then sua , dw play with him le . so play with xiao korkor , first round he won me by one ball ! ): . second round i won him HAHAH . NOT TYCO ONE K . HEHEH . kk . then played for 1 hour , 10 liddat jiu find place to eat . but decide go see whether got shows to watch first. in the end nothing de . heard the green hornet sucks , so din watch LMAO . THEY SAY IS WASTE TWO HOURS OF THEIR LIFE , LOL .
went to walk to koi that direction there , then the kopitiam there most stalls closed . then got this guy on bicycle , blasting music . so we walk back to amk hub there , then on our way back , saw that guy on bicycle again . pekchek already LOL . when both korkors eat , THAT GUY AGAIN . WTFZ . xiao korkor say , if i see that guy again , im gonna dismount him , then went deciding what to do next , i say go their house stay over and watch horror movies through the night lo ! HEHE .THEN THAT GUY AGAIN . TOO BAD HE NOT V NEAR US , BUT WE HEARD , LMAO . LOL ! kk . so we wan cab back to sengkang , TAXI STAND ONE QUEUE SIA .
LOL , SO WE BASTARDBASTARD , WENT TO WALK AROUND 40M FROM TAXI STAND ,WHICH IS QUITE NEAR , BUT PEOPLE CANT SEE US , THEN FLAG DOWN A TAXI , LOL ! first taxi wanted to stop , in the end never , i think cuz he know got taxi stand up ahead ,wan to be fair , then da korkor say only bastards will pick up bastards lyke us LOL . then got a taxi le ! drove past the taxi stand , xiao korkor say past them say BYE LOSERS . ROFLS .kk v fast jiu reach , cost $6+ nia ! CHEAP MAX . on taxi heard both of them talking about when they ton outside morning then go back . zomg i so jealous . they bo curfew de !
kk reach their house , went to bathe and wore ridiculously big shirts and big pants cuz i no clothes to change ! then go xiao korkor room watch movie ! first show watch exorcism . lol . first one downloaded is the wrong one or what . then jiu change another .NOT SCARY ONE WTF . second one , watch blood pledge, i already by then , wan to knock out le . third one watch nightmare on elm street . lOL .okayokay . NOW THINKING OF IT I FEEL SCARED :/ around 5am then we go sleep .
next morning , went cycle with their whole family , omg the feeling was great because my parents will never do this , and even if we do it , its different because i bo siblings . kk . then went kopitiam eat , chicken rice , then cycle big rounds , damn shuang . the wind . except for the heat. then afternoon went back watch horror movie fragile . not really scary . da korkor say scary ley . me and xiao korkor over there watching then spam cny goodies . then we both go nap awhile . 4pm plus wake up . then both my biaojie came on their bikes from yio chu kang ! (Y) ! . kk , then i went cycle with them and godparents , while both korkors went out le . then cyclecycle , saw the monkey LOL .so rare. OHYA , THE GUA , DK WHAT GUA ( ABOVE PIC ) SEEN IN THE MORNING DE . and xiao korkor's pic . dk why he look so toot there LOL ! k . then v hot . until late evening my mother came .
she dk how to bike , so she need to learn , took quite some time , but she din manage lol . so 9 pm liddat then went to slowly cycle to some restaurant at anchorvale there .
eat , quite full . at dinner table i got really pissed by my mother zzzzzzzzzzzzz .kp me in front of biaojies . then already pekchek le , say what i weekend cannot go out with friends , need to study for test .
study my pigu la , wth . k . then went back godmum house first while she godfather behind slowly push bike back . then i bathe come out , my father over there kep ask me fun a not . i fed up , ZZZZZ .
HAIZ . k then when walking to bus stop with parents , i v angry dao i tear -.- . i say WO XI HUAN TA MEN ( GODPARENTS ) DUO GUO NI MEN , then my mother say THEN NI QU WEN GAN MA , YAO BU YAO SHOU LIU NI .
-.- . MAKE ME SOUND LYKE ORPHAN . SUA LA . then today i really went to ask my godbro ask hismum , later then maybe godmum calling . hopefully i can move there . v happy here .
shag die . need to chiong study now . -.-
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
lovez .
today after school cny celebration , went jurong point with cheryl and sarah and ate cavanas . YUM . i love chicken HEHE . okay . then went bukit gombak there with sarah , she wan go find her primary school classmates , in the end went to slack there and played with the bubblez ! FUN OKAY . CHILDISH MAX THOUGH :B
okayokay . need to leave for renuion dinner le , cuz today fathe rno drive need to go earlier , leave earlier. (:
imma be thick skin and have a heart to heart talk with you . i have so much to tell you .
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
bye , seventh's
but imma change myself . i find my '' this self '' so weak .
but still so many things reminds me of you D: . peanut . dots . stupid mrchan today .
lazy blog , tired already , tmr sch cny celebration , until 10am nia , maybe afternoon go out then at night go renuion dinner ^^ . dingding , im happy .
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