ridiculously big (Y)
hai cny rocked okay .
first day went visiting at da jiu house . ANGBAO ANGBAO ! $.$ ! okay la , this year not much money but still okay ^^ . kk , then on that day talked a lot of xiao korkor , LOL . lyke i suddenly began talking to so much . HE DRESS LYKE PAP . LMAO . ALL WHITE . HAHAH . da korkor still okay la :D . NS MAN (Y) . then early evening , ah yi came , and ahming biao ge , and ahkun biao ge. ahming biao ge got ANGMOH GIRLF . FROM DENMARK . V COOL K . SHE TALK TO MY AHMA . ROFLS. SHE GOT THE PATIENCE SIA . cuz my ahma will every few minutes ask the same qns . she ask me i what name and who's child for over 5 times . LOL .
then my xiao korkor say : this is her fate for wanting to marry into our family LOL . hahah . she chio ley . (Y) .
kk , then they mahjong mahjong , me and xiao korkor over there spam cny goodies and watch some lame tv shows . then chatchathchat , around 8 plus we say we wan go out . knn, i go amk hub there nia , parents worry so much , some more got both korkors to take care of me . laokui much . even my biaojie say , aiyo she go amk nia , worry so much . LMAO . ZZ .okay , then we went amk hub opp de k-pool there , HENG GOT OPEN . at first go still got quite a number empty tables , after a while jiu more people flock in le !
DA KORKOR POOL V ZAI K ): . me and xiao korkor one team , i think in two balls nia , then he in all the way . ONE CUE . KNN . WTFZ. then sua , dw play with him le . so play with xiao korkor , first round he won me by one ball ! ): . second round i won him HAHAH . NOT TYCO ONE K . HEHEH . kk . then played for 1 hour , 10 liddat jiu find place to eat . but decide go see whether got shows to watch first. in the end nothing de . heard the green hornet sucks , so din watch LMAO . THEY SAY IS WASTE TWO HOURS OF THEIR LIFE , LOL .
went to walk to koi that direction there , then the kopitiam there most stalls closed . then got this guy on bicycle , blasting music . so we walk back to amk hub there , then on our way back , saw that guy on bicycle again . pekchek already LOL . when both korkors eat , THAT GUY AGAIN . WTFZ . xiao korkor say , if i see that guy again , im gonna dismount him , then went deciding what to do next , i say go their house stay over and watch horror movies through the night lo ! HEHE .THEN THAT GUY AGAIN . TOO BAD HE NOT V NEAR US , BUT WE HEARD , LMAO . LOL ! kk . so we wan cab back to sengkang , TAXI STAND ONE QUEUE SIA .
LOL , SO WE BASTARDBASTARD , WENT TO WALK AROUND 40M FROM TAXI STAND ,WHICH IS QUITE NEAR , BUT PEOPLE CANT SEE US , THEN FLAG DOWN A TAXI , LOL ! first taxi wanted to stop , in the end never , i think cuz he know got taxi stand up ahead ,wan to be fair , then da korkor say only bastards will pick up bastards lyke us LOL . then got a taxi le ! drove past the taxi stand , xiao korkor say past them say BYE LOSERS . ROFLS .kk v fast jiu reach , cost $6+ nia ! CHEAP MAX . on taxi heard both of them talking about when they ton outside morning then go back . zomg i so jealous . they bo curfew de !
kk reach their house , went to bathe and wore ridiculously big shirts and big pants cuz i no clothes to change ! then go xiao korkor room watch movie ! first show watch exorcism . lol . first one downloaded is the wrong one or what . then jiu change another .NOT SCARY ONE WTF . second one , watch blood pledge, i already by then , wan to knock out le . third one watch nightmare on elm street . lOL .okayokay . NOW THINKING OF IT I FEEL SCARED :/ around 5am then we go sleep .
next morning , went cycle with their whole family , omg the feeling was great because my parents will never do this , and even if we do it , its different because i bo siblings . kk . then went kopitiam eat , chicken rice , then cycle big rounds , damn shuang . the wind . except for the heat. then afternoon went back watch horror movie fragile . not really scary . da korkor say scary ley . me and xiao korkor over there watching then spam cny goodies . then we both go nap awhile . 4pm plus wake up . then both my biaojie came on their bikes from yio chu kang ! (Y) ! . kk , then i went cycle with them and godparents , while both korkors went out le . then cyclecycle , saw the monkey LOL .so rare. OHYA , THE GUA , DK WHAT GUA ( ABOVE PIC ) SEEN IN THE MORNING DE . and xiao korkor's pic . dk why he look so toot there LOL ! k . then v hot . until late evening my mother came .
she dk how to bike , so she need to learn , took quite some time , but she din manage lol . so 9 pm liddat then went to slowly cycle to some restaurant at anchorvale there .
eat , quite full . at dinner table i got really pissed by my mother zzzzzzzzzzzzz .kp me in front of biaojies . then already pekchek le , say what i weekend cannot go out with friends , need to study for test .
study my pigu la , wth . k . then went back godmum house first while she godfather behind slowly push bike back . then i bathe come out , my father over there kep ask me fun a not . i fed up , ZZZZZ .
HAIZ . k then when walking to bus stop with parents , i v angry dao i tear -.- . i say WO XI HUAN TA MEN ( GODPARENTS ) DUO GUO NI MEN , then my mother say THEN NI QU WEN GAN MA , YAO BU YAO SHOU LIU NI .
-.- . MAKE ME SOUND LYKE ORPHAN . SUA LA . then today i really went to ask my godbro ask hismum , later then maybe godmum calling . hopefully i can move there . v happy here .
shag die . need to chiong study now . -.-
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